On a snowy winter night there is nothing better than having a beer and sitting by the fire drawing. I end up doing hundreds drawings of my fireplace every winter. I usually prefer a 2B pencil and some scrap office paper. The pencil is sharpened on both ends so I have twice the amount of time before I have to get up and sharpen it again.
I can see you doing something great with this pencil.
Are you tired of buying new pencils and finding out that they are full of bad ideas?
At less than 4 inches these pencils have had their bad ideas drawn out of them, this is your chance to make something great.
It also comes with Crazy Monster's 11 page full color booklet Erasers are Real, full of tips to help you get the most out of your used pencil.
This is the only way to get Crazy Monster's Erasers are Real booklet. If you want to buy new pencils (that might be full of bad ideas) I like Pencils.com.
Includes one used pencil, one booklet and a box to keep it all together until you are ready to make something great. I know you can do it, this is your chance.
There is only 1 of these pencils.